Get dental implants,
veneers and other procedures
Find out if you qualify in seconds!
From $167 per month
Affordable payments to get you the care you need.
Instant decisions
Get approved right away without any wait time.
Easy approval
Over 90% approval rate regardless of credit history.
All dental procedures
Affordable financing for implants, veneers, Invisalign and other procedures.
Any credit score
Not the best credit? No problem!
No fees, no surprises
Easy to understand repayment schedule with no hidden fees.
Making dental care affordable for all patients
We are excited to announce that affordable financing of all major
dental procedures is now available to all of our patients.
Thinking of implants, veneers, Invisalign or other dental
procedures but not sure you can afford them?
Experiencing financial uncertainty due to COVID-19 but don’t want
to delay your treatment?
No problem!
Experiencing financial uncertainty due to COVID-19 but don’t want to delay your treatment?

Get quality dental care even if you do not have the money to pay for it right now.

Get quality dental care even if you do not have the money to pay for it right now.

Get quality dental care even if you do not have the money to pay for it right now.

Whether you have good credit or had some credit issues in the past, our financing partners will be able to find the right solution for you.
Speak to our team today to learn more about getting affordable financing for all of your dental needs!